What Are the Different Types of Change Orders in Construction - Alves Radcliffe

What Are the Different Types of Change Orders in Construction?

The unexpected can make life exciting, but it often makes building and construction projects more difficult.

Changing construction plans midway through can increase the time and resources needed to complete the project. A well-drafted contract created with help from an experienced construction attorney can help guard against unnecessary changes to your project.

That said, every project contract must be drafted with change in mind.

Some circumstances will make even the most carefully considered contracts unworkable. Change orders are the legal tools whereby your contract can be amended to reflect present realities and the contract’s overall purpose can be achieved.

Oral vs. Written Change Orders

The contractor or the customer can request a change order to the construction contract. Like any other contract, the mere request for a change order doesn’t automatically create new obligations. Generally speaking, only when a change order is proposed — and the parties accept it — does the order become binding.

Written Change Orders

Construction attorneys generally prefer that change orders be made in writing between the customer and the contractor or someone with authority to modify the original contract. This helps avoid confusion over any changes and how they impact the original contract.

For example, suppose that a homeowner is renovating their kitchen and wants the contractor to use a different material for the countertops than what was originally discussed. A written change order can not only specify the new material the homeowner wants but also:

  • Any price difference in materials
  • Additional work needed to accommodate the change order
  • Delays in completing the change order and original contract
  • Any other material term or condition

Bus. And Prof. Code Section 7159 allows for change orders to written construction contracts when there’s a new exchange of consideration. In this context, “consideration” means nothing more than one person giving up something or taking on a new obligation because of the contract.

Therefore, a written change order can become effective and enforceable if the contractor signs the agreement or purchases materials and supplies to complete the work. The homeowner may manifest consent to a change order by signing a copy of the order and making a deposit toward the anticipated costs.

Oral Change Orders

An oral change or agreement is much more difficult to prove, which helps explain why construction attorneys don’t recommend them. Without written documentation of the change order, its basic existence and specific material terms become challenging to prove.

Nonetheless, an oral change order may be enforceable if one party fully executes their side of the agreement.

For instance, a contractor who installs the new countertop material may then take the homeowner to court and attempt to prove that the change was made in accordance with an oral change order agreement. In the same way, a homeowner who deposits the agreed-upon amount could then demand that the contractor install the new countertop.

Even so, it’s the obligation of the person who fulfilled the terms of the agreement to show the court that the agreement existed in the first place.

How Can a California Construction Attorney Help Me?

A skilled construction attorney from Alves Radcliffe can assist you with all aspects of change orders.

Whether you need to draw up an order or you’re embroiled in a dispute over a breach, Alves Radcliffe is available to analyze your situation and help you get where you want to go. Contact us today at 916-333-3375 to schedule a consultation.

The Importance of Permitting on a Construction Project - Alves Radcliffe

The Importance of Permitting on a Construction Project

Anytime you start a building project in California, it’s important to make sure you have all the right tools for the job. These include the building permits needed to complete the project. Failing to obtain the necessary permits before commencing work can result in costly penalties and fees and may impact your ability to work in the future.

Obtaining a building permit may seem like a hassle, especially if the project is small and can be completed quickly. However, neglecting to obtain the proper permits isn’t something the State of California or its many counties take lightly.

Even unintentional failures can be met with harsh penalties. With that in mind, it’s wise to consult a California construction attorney if you have any doubts about whether you need a permit for your next undertaking.

When Permits Are Required in California

One of the duties of an experienced construction attorney is to help contractors and homeowners understand when permits are needed for various construction projects. Permit laws and the penalties for violating them are a confusing patchwork of state and local laws and regulations that homeowners and contractors may not fully appreciate.

The California Building Standards Code requires that a permit be obtained for any building or structure before it’s “erected, constructed, enlarged, altered, repaired, moved, improved, removed, converted, or demolished.”

This requirement encompasses nearly any new construction or renovation project and applies to each structure or building on which work is performed.

Licensed contractors in California must obtain the requisite permits from the city, county, or town where the work will be completed. This process can be long and frustrating, as multiple departments may need to review an application for a building permit.

For example, if you apply for a building permit in Colusa County, your application will be reviewed by:

  • The Planning Department
  • The Building Department
  • The Environmental Health Department
  • The local fire department
  • The Public Works Department

You must also pay any attendant fees before the permit will be approved.

Because of the number of departments involved in obtaining a building permit, contractors are advised to allow a minimum of four to six weeks for the process to conclude. In some cases, a construction attorney may be able to help get a permit approved if an application becomes stalled.

Penalties for Not Obtaining Permits

Considering all the work involved in obtaining building permits, it’s understandable why some contractors might neglect to do so.

However, this decision can have serious financial and other consequences. Each failure to obtain a necessary permit can carry a $5,000 penalty in addition to any permit fees and other costs imposed by the local authorities.

Even worse, permit violations could lead to the suspension or revocation of a contractor’s license. This disciplinary action would affect a contractor’s ability to work and require additional action from an attorney with experience in business and commercial law to reinstate the license.

When to Involve a California Construction Attorney

Turning to an experienced construction attorney from Alves Radcliffe early in your building or renovation project can provide you with much-needed counseling and support. Such advocacy can keep you from running into needless and costly permit errors as your project proceeds. Whether you’re still in the early planning stages or you’ve encountered a permitting issue that’s preventing you from moving forward with your project, our firm can help. Contact us today to discuss your concerns and allow us to help you with your legal needs.

Legal Strategies for Minimizing Risk in Construction Projects - Alves RadCliffe

Legal Strategies for Minimizing Risk in Construction Projects

If you work with construction companies, you know that there is risk involved in every project. But you may not realize that, according to the Construction Industry Institute of the University of Texas at Austin, the average project carries over 100 different risks.

While that number may seem daunting, there’s no need to panic. With a good construction attorney representing you, and a few smart decisions, you can minimize the risk in any construction project.

Careful Contract Drafting

Many of the most common construction risks stem from the specific details outlined in the construction contract. For example, when a client demands results too quickly, a contractor may have to work faster than they should or put in a lot of overtime hours. Both of these outcomes create more risk than normal.

The best way to avoid these risks is by carefully drafting your contracts to ensure that you have not made unreasonable demands and that the contractor has not made impossible promises. An experienced construction attorney understands which specifications are reasonable and which are not. As a result, they can help you draft a contract that will ensure everything goes smoothly.

Thorough Due Diligence

Having a solid contract doesn’t automatically mean that the contractor won’t cut corners. Reputation also matters in any construction project. The financial security of your project depends on how trustworthy the contractor is. The last thing you want is to pay tens of thousands of dollars for work only to discover that the contractor embezzled it.

The best way to keep this from happening is to have your construction attorney diligently investigate everyone else involved in the contract. This small amount of due diligence will protect you from making shaky deals or working with unsavory partners.

Risk in Construction Projects

Who takes the risk in a construction project? While it can be tempting to place all the risk on your contractor, this will usually result in your project taking longer than expected. If the contractor is absorbing all the risk, they will likely be more careful than needed — and this increases the time it takes to finish the job.

Effective risk allocation spreads the risk across multiple parties. This means that you and the contractor will accept different portions of the risk. Some of that risk will also be mitigated through insurance, usually by purchasing insurance policies from multiple agencies. You may even pass some of that risk to financial backers or banks.

Your construction attorney will help you determine how to efficiently and legally allocate the risks involved in your project.

Regular Communication and Documentation

The best way to minimize risk in any construction project is by regularly communicating with everyone who is invested in the project. This means you should schedule weekly or even daily meetings with stakeholders such as:

  • Contractors
  • Financial institutions
  • Partners
  • Investors
  • Insurers

Whenever possible, your construction attorney should be present during these conversations. And if that isn’t feasible — whether due to time or cost — they should at least be CC’d on any relevant emails or get copies of all pertinent information discussed during these meetings. Your attorney has years of experience identifying risk and will ensure that things don’t go wrong unexpectedly.

Contact Alves Radcliffe Before Starting Your Next Construction Project

If you are considering a new construction project, you must take steps today to protect your investment and the integrity of that project. The experienced construction lawyers at Alves Radcliffe can help you minimize the risk of your most important projects. Contact us today to schedule an initial consultation.

Why Is Contract Law Important for Construction - Alves RadCliffe

Why Is Contract Law Important for Construction?

When it comes to the construction industry, relying on verbal contracts can get you into a lot of trouble. Unfortunately, people do not always live up to their word, and even if they do, circumstances can change and render an old agreement moot. If the agreement isn’t recorded and notarized on paper, you could face some serious issues.

This post will explain the importance of contract law for construction, so you can ensure that all of your projects run smoothly and everyone’s roles are clearly spelled out.

The Downside of Verbal Contracts

Verbal contracts leave a lot to the imagination. That’s because it is impossible to discuss every facet of a project in a single conversation in a manner that all parties will clearly remember. By writing these details down and having all parties sign the agreement, you can ensure that the agreement is indexed as agreed upon.

Written contracts can provide all of the following benefits:

  • Initiating terms for all payments due
  • Negotiating payment terms for material price fluctuations
  • Setting a timeframe for project completion
  • Assigning responsibility for project delays
  • Providing clear guidance for dispute resolution
  • Defining the scope of the project and setting clear expectations
  • Implementing a viable, legal termination clause

Simply put, contracts remove much of the uncertainty surrounding verbal contracts.

A Written Contract Holds All Parties Accountable

Construction projects typically involve multiple parties. Even with just two parties, things have the potential to be misconstrued. A contract provides a solution for many of the situations that could arise from multiple parties working together on a single construction project.

Why Are Contracts Effective?

Contracts are effective because they assign responsibilities across the lifespan of the project. For example, if one of the parties named in the contract fails some of their obligations, the contract will contain provisions regarding how they will be held accountable. From there, it is up to a construction attorney to enforce the provisions.

Beyond dispute resolution, contracts are designed to protect all parties involved. By outlining the terms of an agreement, a well-written contract can minimize employee exploitation and provide a fair allotment of time and resource distribution. It can also provide peace of mind by protecting specific components of your operation.

What Happens When a Contract Is Breached?

If you have a written contract that is breached by one or more parties listed in the contract, you could be entitled to financial compensation. Conversely, the contract could have provisions that enable parties to pull out under specific conditions.

Default Provisions

If a construction contract is not in writing, the law can use a default provision in the event of an issue. This means the judge will decide the case by imposing a default term. Unfortunately, this may not be favorable to the party seeking compensation. 

By having a construction contract in writing, you can sidestep default provisions and resolve disputes more amicably. If your contract can be modified, you and the opposing parties can agree to change the provisions of certain clauses in a manner more suitable to the current situation. If you need help, contact a qualified construction attorney. 

Need an Attorney? Contact Alves Radcliffe Today

If you are looking for a construction attorney with plenty of experience litigating construction cases in the Bay Area or the Greater Sacramento area, contact Alves Radcliffe. Alves Radcliffe is a California construction attorney with over 25 years of experience representing a wide variety of clients in construction law disputes that range from simple to complex. Reach out today to schedule your initial consultation.

What Are The Main Causes of Disputes in Construction - construction attorney - Alves RadCliffe

What Are The Main Causes of Disputes in Construction?

Construction sites located in the Bay Area and Central California bustle with activity from the break of dawn to before the sun sets to end the workday. The dedicated professionals hired for residential construction projects work hard to keep the projects on track to finish on time and within the budget agreed to by both the general contractor and the residential property owner. Because of the detailed planning required to complete a residential construction project, issues can arise that if not addressed immediately, and can lead to the client or the general contractor taking legal action.

Taking legal action presents many negative outcomes for both parties, which include temporarily stopping or permanently ending a project. An experienced construction attorney helps residential property owners prevent one or more legal issues from disrupting a project. Construction disputes are common occurrences, which leads to the question, what are the main causes of disputes in the construction industry?

Design and Planning Errors

As a residential property owner, you spent time hearing the design plans of the team of professionals working for the general contractor. You received every important piece of information that allowed you to approve the start of your residential construction project. Whether you signed a contract for a minor home renovation or the construction of a new property, you expected the design plan to be implemented without a hitch.

However, changes and variations in the original design plan are common, which can put residential property owners at odds with the general contractor in charge of a construction project. Design and planning errors typically develop early in a project when one or more issues cause the general contractor to change the original design plan. If you experience design and planning errors, a construction attorney can help resolve your real estate dispute.

Delays by a Contractor

Every phase of a residential construction project is extremely time-sensitive. Just a couple of short delays can lead to a major disruption in the completion of a residential construction project. Construction delays are a common element in planning a project, from factoring in inclement weather to a supply chain breakdown for vital materials.

One or more construction project delays can cost residential property owners a considerable amount of time and money, which can prompt the initiation of legal action. An attorney can help you interpret the legal consequences of this type of construction law violation.

Late or Inadequate Reviews by Engineers

Construction engineers play an important role in determining the status of a residential construction project. When a team of engineers delivers a late review or a review that lacks adequate information, a residential construction project can get bogged down in a wide variety of errors. Although one or more mistakes made by a team of engineers can provide a residential property owner with a valid reason to take legal action, working with an experienced construction attorney can help the client avoid the costly and time-consuming litigation process.

Alves Radcliffe, LLP — Construction Attorney

If you have a construction related dispute, call Alves Radcliffe, LLP at 916-333-3375 or send us an email. We have over 25 years of combined experience, and serve clients throughout Greater Sacramento, Northern California, and the San Francisco Bay Area.

3 Common Causes of Construction Lawsuits - construction attorney - Alves RadCliffe

3 Common Causes of Construction Lawsuits

An experienced construction attorney licensed to practice law in California provides several types of legal support for clients. For example, construction attorneys conduct exhaustive investigations to uncover evidence and determine the cause of a legal dispute. The best construction lawyers know how to address the three most common causes of construction lawsuits.


When a construction industry professional faces claims of failure to complete their obligations listed in a contract, the construction industry professional can face a civil lawsuit that seeks monetary damages for what is referred to as professional negligence. Here are three common sources of professional negligence committed in the construction industry.

General and Special Contractors

The most common type of professional negligence in the construction industry concerns a general or special contractor failing to meet the stipulations listed in a construction contract. Professional negligence committed by a general or special contractor often involves one or more defects in the design and/or construction phase of a project.

Architects and Engineers

If an architect designs or approves the design of a structure that does not meet local building codes, safety regulations, and/or another type of requirement, the architect can be held legally liable for committing an act of professional negligence. Engineers also can face legal consequences for creating or approving inferior designs.


Suppliers owe customers a duty of care to deliver safe materials that meet the quality standards listed in a construction contract. Another legal obligation suppliers must meet is to deliver supplies by the dates listed in a construction contract. If a defect develops during a construction project and the general contractor can trace fault for the defect back to inferior materials, the supplier responsible for delivering the inferior materials can be held legally liable for professional negligence.

Payment Dispute

Payment disputes are about as common as cases of professional negligence. The disputes typically arise out of the terms written into a construction contract. Property owners assume responsibility for making payments on time, and if a property owner falls behind on one or more payments, the general contractor overseeing the project can request that a mechanic’s lien be placed on the owner’s property.

The two most common reasons for a payment dispute to develop involve project delays and ambiguously worded construction contracts. You also might have to deal with a payment dispute that results from the scope of the work required of the general contractor and the team of special contractors.

A payment dispute can trigger a domino effect, in which a withheld payment to the general contractors trickles down to every other partner working on a construction project.

Project Delay

Property owners expect their projects to follow the timelines written into construction contracts. Unfortunately, many factors can force the delay of a construction project. One of the biggest problems facing general contractors in 2022 concerns supply chain disruptions. Other factors that delay construction projects include bad weather and an acute labor shortage.

Project delays typically receive four types of classifications: Excusable, inexcusable, compensable, and non-compensable. Your construction attorney reviews your case to determine which classification a project delay falls under.

Alves Radcliffe, LLP — Construction Attorney

If you have a construction related dispute, call Alves Radcliffe, LLP at 916-333-3375 or send us an email. We have over 25 years of combined experience, and serve clients throughout Greater Sacramento, Northern California, and the San Francisco Bay Area.

What Types of Damages Are Available for a Breach of Contract by a Contractor - construction attorney - Alves RadCliffe

What Types of Damages are Available for a Breach of Contract by a Contractor?

Construction law is one of the most complex types of legal practices that frequently involves several issues surrounding a dispute between a property owner and a general contractor. Several different parties that include a homeowner, general contractor, material supplier, lending institution, and/or one or more special contractors can become embroiled in a legal dispute that takes a considerable amount of time and financial resources to resolve. Receiving legal support from an experienced construction attorney significantly boosts your case against a general contractor during a breach of contract dispute.

Hiring a construction attorney provides you with several types of legal support. First, a lawyer conducts a thorough investigation into your case. For a breach of contract, this involves reviewing the contract to determine the legal obligations placed on the general contractor. Your construction attorney then decides whether the general contractor has violated any of the legal obligations written into the contract. If the general contractor discovers one or more violations of the construction contract, you consult with your attorney to agree on the best solution to resolve the breach of contract. Another benefit of hiring a construction attorney is to learn the statute of limitations for construction defects in California.

Construction contracts establish the terms of a project, as well as ensure all parties involved in a project comply with their legal obligations. When all parties involved fulfill their legal obligations, construction projects typically run smoothly from the first to the last day of a project. However, when one party breaches a construction contract, chaos can ensue to the point when a construction project comes to a halt.

Let’s review the most common types of damages for a breach of contract by a contractor.

Compensatory Damages

As one of the most common types of compensation awarded for a breach of contract, compensatory damages cover the unfilled financial obligations written into a contract. This can include paying for the cost of materials, repairs to damage, and/or the hiring of a new general contractor to complete the project. Receiving compensatory damages might require your construction attorney to determine whether the general contractor committed one or more acts of negligence.


Restitution returns all of the money promised by a property owner. This type of compensation is approved when a general contractor fails to complete any phases of a construction project. For example, if a general contractor agreed to complete three phases of a $500,000 renovation project and the general contractor failed to complete any of the project phases, the property owner can request restitution valued at $500,000.

Liquidated and Nominal Damages

Liquidated damages help all parties involved to avoid a bitter dispute. This type of damage is automatically agreed to because of the wording of a construction contract. The parties involved agree a breach of contract has occurred, but they decide to proceed with the project while handling the issue or issues involved in a professional manner. Nominal damages refer to the awarding of damages for a breach of contract, but the breach did not cause significant financial losses to either party.


Rescission is a legal term that refers to terminating the rights of all parties involved in a construction project. It puts every party involved in the positions they held before signing a construction contract. Rescission is a common remedy because it does not require the parties to continue working together on a construction project.

Alves Radcliffe, LLP — Construction Attorney

If you need assistance with an indemnity clause in your construction contract, call Alves Radcliffe, LLP at 916-333-3375 or send us an email. We have over 25 years of combined experience, and serve clients throughout Greater Sacramento, Northern California, and the San Francisco Bay Area.

Why Is Law Important to the Construction Industry - construction attorney - Alves RadCliffe

Why Is Law Important to the Construction Industry?

Construction law represents a practice that exclusively covers construction legal issues, whether you are involved in a commercial or residential construction project. Some of the reasons why you need a construction attorney to provide legal support during a project include signing contracts, following zoning requirements, and ensuring compliance with every safety standard established by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

Construction law is important to the construction industry for several reasons. The primary purpose of construction law is to set legal guidelines for ensuring the completion of a hassle-free construction project. To understand why construction law is important for the construction industry, you first have to understand the fundamentals behind construction law.

What Are the Fundamentals Behind Construction Law?

Knowing the fundamentals of construction law can help you resolve a dispute. A construction attorney explains the underlying factors that caused a dispute, and then suggests ways to resolve the dispute. Without construction law, disputes would go unresolved and hence, projects would stall. All parties involved in a dispute must have a deep understanding of the legal issues that construction and real estate laws resolve.

Parties involved in disputes that concern violations of construction law include suppliers, general contractors, independent contractors, government regulators, and property owners and operators. Each party involved in a construction dispute should know how to protect their interests if they face a situation that involves another party accusing them of violating one or more construction laws. Working with an experienced construction attorney helps you understand your legal options when it comes to resolving a dispute.

What Are Some Examples of Why Constriction Law is Important to the Construction Industry?

Construction law is important to the construction industry for many reasons. Here are a few common examples that describe why construction law helps protect your financial interests.

Create Property Lines

An often overlooked, yet essential issue that comes up in construction law involves creating property lines. Construction law is important because it establishes the physical boundaries between two or more properties. Working with a construction attorney helps you verify zoning laws that define the use of a property.

Contract Issues

Construction law is particularly important to the construction industry when contract issues arise during a project. Contracts contain information such as costs, deadlines, and project responsibilities. Contract issues represent one of the most common reasons why both contractors and property owners hire construction lawyers. Like most contracts, construction contracts are full of loopholes and confusing legal jargon that requires the legal expertise of an experienced construction attorney.

Payment Disputes

Construction law is important to the construction industry because it describes how to resolve payment disputes. Your construction attorney describes a mechanic’s lien and how it impacts the construction project for both contractors and property owners. Getting paid in full and on time is one of the most fundamental principles established by construction law.

Alves Radcliffe, LLP — Construction Attorney

If you need assistance with an indemnity clause in your construction contract, call Alves Radcliffe, LLP at 916-333-3375 or send us an email. We have over 25 years of combined experience, and serve clients throughout Greater Sacramento, Northern California, and the San Francisco Bay Area.

What is The Statute of Limitations for Construction Defects in California - construction attorney - Alves RadCliffe

What is The Statute of Limitations for Construction Defects in California?

When you hire a general contractor to oversee a residential construction project, you expect the general contractor to fulfill every legal obligation spelled out in a business contract. One of the most important issues to address concerns one or more construction defects. When a general contractor fails to fix a construction defect, the business contract signed by both parties should define how the homeowner should proceed with ensuring the construction defect gets fixed.

One of the legal actions that you can take involves filing a civil lawsuit that seeks monetary damages. When you meet with a construction attorney for an evaluation, the lawyer you meet with conducts a thorough review of your case to determine whether filing a civil lawsuit represents the most effective legal action. Perhaps the general contractor managing your residential construction process decides to address the construction defect or both parties agree to try and negotiate a settlement.

Your construction attorney provides several types of legal support, which includes ensuring you file a civil lawsuit that seeks monetary damages before the expiration of the statute of limitations. The statute of limitations establishes a deadline for a plaintiff to file a civil lawsuit concerning a construction defect. Each state has set a statute of limitations for filing a construction defect lawsuit. California has established the statute of limitations for construction defect lawsuits based on the type of construction defect case, such as breach of contract and one or more acts of negligence committed by the general contractor or one of the special contractors hired for just your residential construction project.

Breach of Contract

As a type of business and commercial law, a breach of contract for a construction project involves a homeowner hiring a general contractor to perform construction work on a residential property. The business contract clearly describes the responsibilities assumed by the general contractor, which includes following a process to fix any construction defects. When a general contractor refuses to follow the legal guidelines written into a business contract to address construction defects, the homeowner has the right to seek a legal remedy that can include receiving compensation for failing to repair property damage.

In California, homeowners have four years from the date of discovering a construction defect to file a breach of contract lawsuit for one or more construction defects. The four-year deadline applies to written business contracts. If the construction contract consisted of an oral agreement, the plaintiff has two years to file a civil lawsuit that seeks monetary damages.


If a general contractor failed to follow proper construction project protocols, the homeowner might have a strong enough case to file a civil lawsuit for negligence. Causing a construction defect because of hiring an inexperienced special contractor represents an example of a general contractor committing an act of negligence. The construction attorney who represents you during a civil lawsuit must show the general contractor assumed a duty of care to prevent construction defects. Your lawyer also must prove the general contractor breached the duty of care doctrine, as well as committed an act of negligence that caused property damage and generated financial losses.

Why Hiring a Construction Attorney Can Help Build a Strong Case

Because of the complexity of California construction defect laws, hiring an experienced attorney can help you gain a better understanding of the various statutes, such as the statute of repose. Your construction attorney ensures you file a civil lawsuit before the expiration of the statute of limitations. If you fail to meet the deadline for filing a civil lawsuit, you can expect the court clerk processing your case to remove it from the judicial docket.

Alves Radcliffe, LLP — Construction Attorney

If you need assistance with an indemnity clause in your construction contract, call Alves Radcliffe, LLP at 916-333-3375 or send us an email. We have over 25 years of combined experience, and serve clients throughout Greater Sacramento, Northern California, and the San Francisco Bay Area.

Questions to Ask a Construction Lawyer Before Hiring - construction attorney - Alves RadCliffe

Questions to Ask a Construction Lawyer Before Hiring

Before you meet with a construction attorney, you should spend time preparing for the meeting by organizing the evidence associated with your case, as well as any legal documents that you have filed to date. In addition, you also should come prepared to ask questions that help you decide whether the attorney you have scheduled a meeting with is the best one to represent you during a construction dispute.

In addition to discovering the experience a construction attorney has compiled, you also want to get answers to more technical questions.

Do You Know the Difference Between Construction Law and Construction Defect?

Does the construction attorney understand the difference between construction law and construction defect? Few attorneys that do not specialize in construction law know the answer to this question. Asking this question ensures you hire a construction attorney who specializes in handling cases involving construction disputes. 

What is a Mechanic’s Lien?

When you ask the more technical questions during a case evaluation, you are not looking to receive long, drawn-out answers that confuse you. For example, getting an answer to the question, “Can you describe for men what is a mechanic’s lien” should be short and simple.

A mechanic’s lien represents a legal maneuver that provides a general contractor overseeing a construction project with a financial security interest in the property under construction. If a general contractor and/or a supplier do not get paid during a construction project, they file a mechanic’s lien to secure payment. Suppliers and general contractors in California must serve a preliminary notice within 20 days of the first day of providing labor or materials.

What Are the Licensing Law Requirements for California Contractors?

California has established construction licensing laws to ensure contractors possess the required skills, as well as follow local building codes. Licensing laws in California also discourage unlicensed workers from participating in both commercial and residential construction projects. Unlicensed individuals that perform construction work can result in projects that produce significant property damage, as well as lead to workers getting involved in an onsite accident that causes serious injuries.

To qualify for a California construction license, contractors must prove a certain level of experience that includes passing the appropriate test for their specific trades. The construction attorney that you hire helps you determine whether a contractor under consideration to lead your project has earned the proper licenses.

What is a Scope of Work?

Also referred to as a statement of work, a scope of work represents a section in the construction contract that describes in detail the work to be completed by a contractor. A scope of work that is written correctly creates project expectations that include milestones, job duties, and technical specifications. The section in a construction contract that describes the scope of work should clearly define issues such as the process to handle payment disputes, as well as discuss how to address project delays and construction defects.

Alves Radcliffe, LLP — Construction Attorney

If you need assistance with an indemnity clause in your construction contract, call Alves Radcliffe, LLP at 916-333-3375 or send us an email. We have over 25 years of combined experience, and serve clients throughout Greater Sacramento, Northern California, and the San Francisco Bay Area.